Ep. 143 - Infinite & In The Heights

We're back with a double-feature episode discussing the two newest film releases. First, we talk about the world-building, the cast, and why Mark Wahlberg's new film Infinite just doesn't work. Then we sing the praises of musicals as well as Lin Manuel Miranda's In The Heights. David is having a hard time keeping track of the rules. Rick is also a talented and scarred person, just like the Phantom. All that and more!

Ep. 143 - Infinite & In The Heights
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 142 - Cruella & A Quiet Place Part 2

We got not one but two big theatrical releases this past weekend with Cruella and A Quiet Place Part 2! Join us as we talk about our love of the theater experience, alien strategies, and what a 3rd movie could bring. THEN, we welcome good movie buddy Leah Theodosis to talk about the fun, punk rock version of Cruella de Vil. David doesn't think Rick would've come to the late movie. Rick stans for Wink. Leah is putting out hits on all who cross her. All that and more!

Ep. 142 - Cruella & A Quiet Place Part 2
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 124 - Tenet and Our Return to Theaters!

The Popcorn Diet makes a triumphant and safe return to the movie theaters so we can catch Christopher Nolan's latest brain-melter: Tenet! Join us as we talk about what the experience was like going back to the theaters, why we think Nolan is operating on a different level, and all our thoughts about the film! David has kids! Rick wants his refills. All that and more!!

Ep. 124 - Tenet and Our Return to Theaters!
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 108 - Reacting to The Rise of Skywalker

The Saga Ends. David and Rick have a supersized, emotion-filled discussion about the final entry in the Star Wars Skywalker Saga: The Rise of Skywalker. Join us as we get into deep discussion about Star Wars, the anger and vitriol that has followed the franchise in the past few years, and where we think Star Wars could go from here! Rick tries not to engage the discourse. David tells us about the Star Wars movie he wants to make. All that and more!!

Ep. 108 - Reacting to The Rise of Skywalker
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 103 - Dark Fate: Terminated?

Come with me if you want to live! The Terminator saga tries for another relaunch and The Popcorn Diet is here to talk all about it. We spend some time focusing on our history with the franchise, how escalating villains can be done right, and where the films all parallel each other through their many time travel loopholes. David's machine origins are discussed. Rick saw too many violent movies as a kid. All that and more!

Ep. 103 - Dark Fate: Terminated?
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 101 - Going High Tech with Gemini Man

One Will Smith isn't enough, so we're doubling up the Will Smiths and talking all about his new movie: Gemini Man! Join us as we discuss the long history of the production of the film, Ang Lee and Jerry Bruckheimer teaming up, as well as when story fails technology. David has issues with the travel shortcuts. Rick wants justice for Baron. All that and more!

Ep. 101 - Going High Tech with Gemini Man
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 98 - Ad Astra

The Popcorn Diet journeys through space with Brad Pitt as we discuss his new film written and direct by James Gray: Ad Astra. The boys dive deep into the thematic storytelling of the new space epic, realistic production design, and what makes Gray and Pitt such dynamic forces in filmmaking. Rick makes comparisons to Odysseus. David wants to know more about moon pirates. All that and more!

Ep. 98 - Ad Astra
The Popcorn Diet

Ep. 60 - The Predator

If it bleeds, we can reboot it. The Popcorn Diet goes head to head with Shane Black's The Predator this week. Join us for our latest episode where we break down Predator mythology, talk about our favorite jokes, freak out about Subreddits, and try to make sense of the various plot holes. Rick goes off on a major rant. David doesn't like the kid. All that and more!

Ep. 46 - Upgrade and Low Budget Cinema

This week, podcast is on the road again, coming to you from New Orleans! That doesn't stop The Popcorn Diet from talking about movies, and we went and saw the newest Blumhouse production Upgrade! Join us as we discuss successful low budget qualities, the bloody good time the movie is, and if we're afraid of growing technology! David doesn't trust driverless cars. Rick gets creeped out by malfunctions. All that and more!

Ep. 39 - Ready Player One, Nostalgia, and Spielberg

Nostalgia and pop culture fuel this weeks new movie as The Popcorn Diet gets together to discuss the newest adventure film from Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One. We go off the rails talking about what nostalgia means to us, the Spielberg films that most impacted us, and how much fun we had jacked up on energy drinks seeing a late night showing of the film. Rick reminisces about Chucky. David ends his movie on a freeze frame. All that and more!

Ep. 38 - Pacific Rim Uprising

Go big or go home! The Popcorn Diet is back in the studio together to discuss cancelling the Apocalypse again with Pacific Rim Uprising! Join us as we bask in the glow of John Boyega, discuss the glory of Guillermo del Toro, and talk about the attitude in giant monsters. Rick picks a fight with Russia. David picks a fight with independent films. All that and more!

Franchise Refill: MCU Ep. 10 - Guardians of the Galaxy

Note: All Franchise Refills can now be accessed as part of our upcoming Patreon. lease take the time to head over and see if you’d like to contribute!

The Popcorn Diet is going cosmic in the Marvel Cinematic Universe this week, looking at Guardians of the Galaxy and the impact it had on the MCU. Our Free Refills mini episode analyzes the cast, the soundtrack, and the history of the Guardians. David calls for Oscar nominations! Rick is hunting for unfound easter eggs. All that and more!

Ep. 36 - A Wrinkle in Time

Disney's next big film of 2018 is out and The Popcorn Diet brings back guest co-host Leah Theodosis to break it down. Listen to brother and sister dissect A Wrinkle in Time and talk about what we loved, what we didn't love, and how awesome Charles Wallace is. Rick makes his hatred for kids known. Leah can't stand bullies! All that and more! (1:58) Prepping for Ava DuVernay's A Wrinkle in Time?

The Popcorn Diet Ep. 18 - Spoiler Culture / Noir Films / Blade Runner 2049

The Popcorn Diet crew saw one of their most anticipated movies of the year, Blade Runner 2049 and it has them talking noir films and taking a look at the modern spoiler obsessed culture. Rick explains Blockbuster to the young folk. David respects the artist. All that and more!