Ep. 103 - Dark Fate: Terminated?

Come with me if you want to live! The Terminator saga tries for another relaunch and The Popcorn Diet is here to talk all about it. We spend some time focusing on our history with the franchise, how escalating villains can be done right, and where the films all parallel each other through their many time travel loopholes. David's machine origins are discussed. Rick saw too many violent movies as a kid. All that and more!

Ep. 101 - Going High Tech with Gemini Man

One Will Smith isn't enough, so we're doubling up the Will Smiths and talking all about his new movie: Gemini Man! Join us as we discuss the long history of the production of the film, Ang Lee and Jerry Bruckheimer teaming up, as well as when story fails technology. David has issues with the travel shortcuts. Rick wants justice for Baron. All that and more!

Ep. 98 - Ad Astra

The Popcorn Diet journeys through space with Brad Pitt as we discuss his new film written and direct by James Gray: Ad Astra. The boys dive deep into the thematic storytelling of the new space epic, realistic production design, and what makes Gray and Pitt such dynamic forces in filmmaking. Rick makes comparisons to Odysseus. David wants to know more about moon pirates. All that and more!

Ep. 60 - The Predator

If it bleeds, we can reboot it. The Popcorn Diet goes head to head with Shane Black's The Predator this week. Join us for our latest episode where we break down Predator mythology, talk about our favorite jokes, freak out about Subreddits, and try to make sense of the various plot holes. Rick goes off on a major rant. David doesn't like the kid. All that and more!

Ep. 46 - Upgrade and Low Budget Cinema

This week, podcast is on the road again, coming to you from New Orleans! That doesn't stop The Popcorn Diet from talking about movies, and we went and saw the newest Blumhouse production Upgrade! Join us as we discuss successful low budget qualities, the bloody good time the movie is, and if we're afraid of growing technology! David doesn't trust driverless cars. Rick gets creeped out by malfunctions. All that and more!

Ep. 39 - Ready Player One, Nostalgia, and Spielberg

Nostalgia and pop culture fuel this weeks new movie as The Popcorn Diet gets together to discuss the newest adventure film from Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One. We go off the rails talking about what nostalgia means to us, the Spielberg films that most impacted us, and how much fun we had jacked up on energy drinks seeing a late night showing of the film. Rick reminisces about Chucky. David ends his movie on a freeze frame. All that and more!

Ep. 27 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi Reactions

The Popcorn Diet crew saw one of the most anticipated movies of the year with Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and we have so many thoughts that we supersized the episode! Come a join us for a galactic-sized discussion on all things The Last Jedi! Rick bags on millennial Star Wars. David bets the field. All that and more!

Ep. 26 - Preparing for Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the biggest film of the year, is about to be unleashed upon us, and the boys at The Popcorn Diet hash out every aspect of how we got here and what we're anticipating! Rick brings up Fast & Furious quite a bit. David uses the force to read Rick's mind. All that and more in our newest episode!

The Popcorn Diet Ep. 18 - Spoiler Culture / Noir Films / Blade Runner 2049

The Popcorn Diet crew saw one of their most anticipated movies of the year, Blade Runner 2049 and it has them talking noir films and taking a look at the modern spoiler obsessed culture. Rick explains Blockbuster to the young folk. David respects the artist. All that and more!