Ep. 141 - Army of the Dead

When you put together a movie with Dave Bautista, Las Vegas, a heist, and a hoard of zombies, you have our attention! Join us for our latest episode as we offer our reactions, break down the faults, and discuss the future of Zack Snyder's latest film, Army of the Dead. Rick gives an unexpected shoutout. David thinks the daughter is worse than Kim Bauer on 24. All that and more!

Ep. 140 - The Newest Old-School Movies

The Popcorn Diet is back and we're talking about three weeks worth of new releases! We've seen an emergence of old-school style flicks with Without Remorse, Wrath of Man, and Those Who Wish Me Dead. Join us as we talk about why these lower-stakes films seem all the more refreshing, as well as our thoughts on each film. Rick tries not to start a fight. David doesn't tolerate disrespecting disaster movies. All that and more!

Perfect Popcorn: Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Perfect Popcorn returns with it's second all-listeners episode, this time focusing on the film that perhaps shaped our adult lives the most: Ocean's Eleven. We talk about just how cool the crew was, try to hold back quoting the movie too much, and talk about Las Vegas as it was and how it's changed. Join us as we recount history, talk about our favorite moments, and assess if it still holds up to this day. All that and more, on the second episode of Perfect Popcorn!

Review Recap Ep. 3 - Love, Death, Dragons, Soldiers, and Robots

Your very best good movie buddy Rick Williamson is back flying solo this week with a recap going over four unique movies that delve into very different subjects. Join him as he recaps some of the films that we haven't had the opportunity to make episodes on or write reviews for! This time, he's talking about Alita, How to Train your Dragon 3, Triple Frontier, and Love, Death, & Robots!

Ep. 47 - Ocean's 8

Coming to you from the place that started the Oceans franchise, The Popcorn Diet is here to talk about Ocean's 8 straight from their hotel room in Las Vegas! Rick and David, a little worse for wear, discuss the newest spinoff film and talk about the great cast, the slightly underwhelming heist, and our favorite parts of the film. Rick is looking for a little more villainy. David has plans for the franchise. All that and more!